Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Turns out Dogs CAN take Benedryl

Every night, when it is time for bed there is a process.  I straighten my sheets, I brush my teeth, and I kick Bella out of my bed- carrying her outside to the front porch.  The other night, nothing was different except the fact that a few minutes later I hear a small yelp and the sound of a 22lb dog violently shaking her head. I peel myself out of bed to discover Bella has been bit by (or has eaten) something she is extremely allergic too. 

I rushed her into the house and washed her face of in case she has been spat at by a Cobra (this is much more common than you think).  Not that I believe water would do anything to save her after getting Cobra venom in her eye, but it was irrationally rational.  Needless to say, she was freaking out.

 I could see her face rapidly swelling and knew I needed to do something fast before her tiny little nose holes closed up, so I did what any seasoned PCV would do- I called someone with access to the internet to look up whether Dogs can take Benedryl.  I use it when i get nasty spider bites that prevent me from moving my ankle so, hey why wouldn't it work on a dog with an allergic reaction.  It turns out they can (Thanks Dad!)- 1mg/1lb every 8hours seems to be the ratio although I am not a vet.

I mashed some Benedryl into a banana and forced it down her throat. Within 5 minutes she was completely passed out; a completely understandable reaction to taking 20mg of Benedryl.  I let her sleep in my bed so I could keep an eye on her and just made sure she was breathing.  I took a picture of her face after some of the swelling had gone down but imagine her having a cartoon goofy nose with both her eyes swollen shut.  Poor lil' thing. 

Here is a little before and after comparison:

Before the bite
After having been biten          

 Luckily the Benedryl worked wonders and Bella is right as rain. Just a little scary adventure for a late Tuesday Night.

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