Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fear Not, America has EVERYTHING!

This is a miracle website in my book. It turns out all those woes about never eating Kenkey or Banku again have been mitigated by some good ol' fashioned American entrepreneurship. A company based in Virgina can mail me in 5 days or less all the Ghanaian chop I need/want/crave.  There are 12 packs of Ga Kenkey for just $27.50, including shipping!  I understand the price is highly inflated but it might be worth it one of those dark Ghanaian food-less days, that is if they ever come.
Ga Kenkey!

Banku Flour Mix!
Smoked Tilapia
Ghana grown Yams!
And a grinding bowl to grind your own Pepe!
God Bless America!

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