Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Namesake

It’s virtually inevitable that upon arriving in West Africa, and attempting any sort of community integration a child will be born and it will be named after you. There is a village in Senegal with no less than four 5 or 6 year old Modjulies running around and even a Joelking. Well, finally my time has come, but in a most unexpected way.

About a week ago, I attended a conference in Kukurantumi (you may remember the name from my Pre-Service Training posts) for ICT, Math, and Science PCVs. Each volunteer is asked to bring a counterpart who would also benefit from the learning tools and methods discussed throughout the weeklong event.
This is a wonderful opportunity for us as volunteers to get together with Ghanaians (and PCVs) from all over Ghana and discuss challenges we face and strategies to resolve them.

Paa Yaw is Alex’s counterpart (you may remember Alex from the Lerry’s Cornflake Picture) and I have grown to know the two of them quite well. Alex stays in the Western Region a short 6 hour trip from me so I’ve had the opportunity to visit his site and meet Paa Yaw several times. Well, on January 1st, 2010 Paa Yaw’s wife gave birth to beautiful baby girl. Although, the hope was for a boy that would in turn be named after Alex, a girl it was and low and behold she needed a name, more specifically she needed my name. Per Alex’s listing of all the female PCV names Yaw chose mine (along with several others as Ghanaian tradition dictates- a name from the father side, mothers side, day of the week, order of birth, etc. This is why I had such a hard time figuring out who’s who in my grade book) for his daughter. I think he name is Arianna Effia _____ _____ Gyapong. I couldn’t figure out the whole thing.

The Naming Ceremony occurred in a Catholic Church at Dawn Service and for most part remains somewhat of a blur to me. It was still dark out and despite my eyes being opening my mind was not necessarily there (you all know my brain doesn’t wake up until at least noon regardless of what my body may be zombieing around pretending to accomplish). Here are two pictures from the event:
Paa Yaw and His wife sharing a Fanta (significance unknown)

This is Alex and I with the happy family. I don't know why this picture is blurry. Sorry-o.

1 comment:

KK said...

I'm kind of partial to the name Arianna. It's the name of my own beautiful daughter.