Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Form 3 Final Projects

I taught my Form 3 (the equivalent of a high school senior) Art students how to construct canvases out of local, readily available materials. We use a type of would called WaWaa and fabric from large sacks of flour that bread makers sell at ridiculously cheap prices. Their midterm exam was to properly construct a canvas for inspection and their final exam was to use the canvas to paint a scene. In addition to painting the scene they were also required to hand in a written analysis of their use of materials and a short story about what their painting was about. These are few of my favorites:

Artist: Cornelius Anan Gyan

Artist: Alfred Ni____ (I can't spell his last name)

Artist: Lawrence Miano

I was quite pleased with all the results I received, not to mention the stories they wrote were fascinating too. I consider it one of my greatest victories as an educator in Ghana.

1 comment:

KK said...

These paintings are so beautiful, how wonderful to be a part of it.