Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sweet New Ride

I don’t think I’ve described the layout of my school and town but it is certainly not for the weak or lazy. I live at one of the points of an equilateral triangle where each leg is approximately 1 mile. The other two vertices are the administrative block of my school (where my ICT lab is located) and the classroom buildings of my lab (where just about 50% of my classes take place). The journey from the ICT lab to the classrooms is so arduous that students actually refer to the location of the campus as “Sweat To”, as in you will break a Sweat To get there because it a mile away and uphill nearly the whole way.

I tried very hard when making the timetable to condense ICT classes to either the beginnings or the very ends of the days so that students needn’t make the trip both down and back. As a result, I on the other hand am walking the Sweat To trail twice and sometimes three times a day. Luckily there are plenty of pure water sellers along the way and snacks too- should the journey require a little blood sugar booster.

Well, walk in the midday sun no more- this PCV just snagged herself a bicycle! A deal, at 30 Ghana Cedis purchased from the school bus driver, who upgraded to a motorcycle. Don’t get too jealous when you see the picture despite its shiny paint job, online the lowest of the 21 gears work. So virtually every time I ride it I look like a cartoon character, pedaling ridiculously fast to keep up with the ups and downs of hills. Like I don’t already look ridiculous enough for a million other reasons. This trusty Blue soldier, is saving me oodles of time!

1 comment:

KK said...

That is one Kool ride