Friday, April 22, 2011


Sometimes this place is Paradise.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Endless entertainment courtesy of Mr. Matt Jackson. The way I see it is if a slackline can't entertain a bunch of PCVs for countless number of days before, during, and after mind-numbing Peace Corps conferences, I don't know what can?

We got some great shots:

A shoulder to lean on


Alex working the line

Learning slowly

Tall pine and Palm Trees

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's all about the children

It wouldn't be a true Peace Corps Volunteer Blog without a few artsy shots of random groups of kids:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Alex’s world famous fajita-ritos. I believe this was the breakfast rendition of the crowd favorite. Black Beans, Rice, Laughing Cow, avocado, sauteed onions, green peppers, tomatoes, and scrambled eggs all wrapped in a homemade roasted corn tortilla.

Beautiful Food Photography care of M. Jackson

Monday, April 18, 2011

Travel Day!

Sightseeing can be fun but...
Sometimes traveling in Ghana isn't.
But it's always fun to take pictures!

And wait in stations!
And Buy Veggies!

And it's the absolute best when you reach your
final destination and there is a Pineapple waiting for you!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Stick Village

When you visit the Nzulezu stilt village in the Western Region make sure you ask the locals before you take pictures and don't forget to donate 200 Ghana cedis to the chief so he can tell you the REAL reason why this community is built on stilts. Just kidding. Nobody has a logical explanation to offer. And all I got were a couple of photographs:

Paddling our way into the Stilt Village

Strolling down Main St.

Where the streets are made of sticks

Modj seems to be enjoying her excursion

Friday, April 15, 2011

One Big Happy Fam

It's nice to have some friendly faces around to help with the work and turn your frowns upside down. During their stay they worked hard but always saved some time to hang out.

Modj at the Hospital

Enjoying the company

Sweepin Up

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Entertaining guests in Ghana is exhausting

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Can you say BANANAGRAMS?!

A few weeks prior to my brief trip to U.S., Modj and Ricky sent me a care package in which contained a shiny new set of Bananagrams. During their visit we played, a lot. (But never within 45 minutes of bedtime.) We played so many times that Modj started taking pictures of the Best-of s.

To make things interesting, we noodled up the idea of the Bananagram “Style Point”. Style Points are awarded to the player with the most creative word or phrase on a random theme selected at the beginning of each round. These are some of the winners:

Tasty Fruits

Outdoor Activities

What’s for Dinner?

(We happened to have eaten black bean burgers that night)

Needless to say we got better as time went on...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Back to Africa

After brief post-wedding nap Modj, Ricky, and myself boarded a plane back to Ghana! The pictures say it best:

Back at Home with Miss Bella

Rickster enjoying some fufu and palmnut soup.

One large beer, two big dorks

The King Sisters chillin at Tete spot in Abura Dunkwa

Ricky approves of this Vegetarian Ghanaian Cuisine

After brief post-wedding nap Modj, Ricky, and myself boarded a plane back to Ghana! The pictures say it best.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

And Now for Something Completely Different!

So I went back to the U.S. for a few days and for a very special occasion. I'll let the wedding photographer do most of the work. Here are the very few photos I snapped.

The whole family doing a little run through. I'm freezing if you can't tell.

The final hairdo with veil

My Mom's gorgeous hairdo as well!!

In the car on the way to Maymont

Congratulations Modj & Ricky!!!