Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Big One
Monday, October 6, 2008
Here and Now
Consider this the first step. The first step away from your pre-destined path and a step towards your epistemological destiny. At first the words will be slow, and your fingers will ache with inactivity. 'We haven't written in so long!', they'll scream. But ignore them, they are your slaves- you must work them as you would work anything totally under your command. Write furiously, like a hypographic madman, it’s not yours yet but it will be.
And you will be here to listen.
To listen, and to wonder.
To wonder how you get up every morning before you knew how to tell them what to do with their passing hours. Slaves in the hot, hot, heat- computers burning their tips, callusing their edges as if they had been working with weapons or musical instruments.
All that humidity, those poor little scoundrels, designer collars tied around their necks, cutting off the blood flow to their already stiffened brains. But don't worry about their brains- this about yours. Your brain is a muscle and you must exercise it as such. Occipital crunches, parietal push-ups, and don't forget stem lunges. Be diligent, make it hurt; progress always hurts.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Could this day get any longer? The time seems to drag like a limp body on dirted road behind pick-up truck under the Texan sun. Burning and grinding, scraping what little surface protection I have left so by the end of the day I am left red and slimy with the fresh blood of torture.
My boredom is thick and heavy and drips down my face in the most obvious way. It’s hard not to notice. It’s even harder to care. Everybody deserves a glimmering light at the end of their personal daily hell. It should be written into our laws right next to the right to bear arms or reversed robinhoodism. I guess the question becomes- do you care enough? Enough to leave everything in search of happiness yet again? Find someplace with minimal temporary appeal, a few smiling faces, maybe a lousy lay and another paycheck; not necessarily in that order. Is it worth it? I don’t know- I don’t remember, it’s been a while since I plopped my enthusiastic ass down here and climbed 6 flights to my watchtower.